Novacel 4228REF 是我们专门为光纤激光切割应用而开发的产品。
Novacel 4228REF 现已获得众多激光切割设备厂家(Trumpf, Bystronic, Salvagnini等)的确认和支持。
使用Novacel 4228REF, 可以充分体现光纤激光切割的高效和低耗特性。
ü 100m 胶层黑色/外层浅灰色
ü 特高粘度
ü 适合2R, 2B 和各种拉丝表面
ü 同时适合光纤和传统CO2激光切割
ü 一次性切割到位,无需烧膜 *
ü 用于室外的耐候性保证:6个月
NOVACEL is pleased to introduce a new product, 4228REF, for both Fiber LASER and CO2 cutting technologies. This product has been approved by leading LASER manufacturers such as Bystronic, Salvagnini and Trumpf. NOVACEL 4228REF
main features:
Colour: black / light grey
Film type: Polyolefins UV treated
Outdoor resistance: 3 months
Thickness: 4 mil
Adhesive type : solvent based rubber adhesive
Adhesion strength (AFERA 4001): 12.8 oz./in.
Lengths: 3281’ and 1640’
Dedicated specific print
NOVACEL 4228REF can be used for both LASER cutting technologies (Fiber and CO2).
NOVACEL 4228REF has a unique light grey color which easily identifies product that is suitable for cutting with fiber LASER machines
100 μm optic fiber laser
Novacel 4228 REF film
Protects against dirt, damage and scratches
Designed for Laser Fiber & CO2 Laser Cutting
for newer types of laser cutters